march 2025: 27. 03. 2025 Soloshow: Zwischenwelten, Kunstraum Salon Similde, Leipzig, Installation, Photography, Video
february 2025 - 27.02.2025 Groupshow, Kunstraum Salon Similde, Leipzig, Die absolute Verneunung. 20h / Photographies
january 2025: 01.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 Solo Show : Zwischenwelten, Galerie De Vijf Ramen, Sonsbeeksingel 150, Arnhem, NL, 27 black and white Photos from former russian military areas in East Germany and a movie slides tranfered to video, 18 min 2017
november 2024 - Solo sound performance . Vernissage "Nach den Tagediebetagen" . live electronic & fieldrecordings 11. 11. 2024 University clinic Leipzig.
april 2024 - Music for animals part XIX: Taufliegen (Drosophilidea) im Rahmen von: Klimakrise - eine Menschheitskrise! - Vor allem kommt immer noch das Fressen, Groupshow, Gruson Gewaechshaeuser Magdeburg, 19. 04. - 09. 08. 2024
januar 2024 - Magisches Tropenleuchten, Zoo, Leipzig, Sound und Klangkompositionen (mapping Robbenanlage und Aquarium) Sound in public space with Alex Grobkorn. - 11. januar - 11. februar 2024 (from thursday till sunday)
october 2023 - Record release "60 second each" Errant Sound Project Space . Berlin . 12 " black vinyl . corvo records . Germany. with my contribution "counting birds lately"
october 2023 - Sound Workshop / Fieldrecordings and audio 4 + 5. 10. University of Vienna - Austria
may 2023 - Wystawa Ornitoligiczna / Krakers Cracow Art Week - Groupshow, Music for Animals / Videopräsentation: Music for Crows 12.05. - 19.05. CSW Wiewiorka, Krakow, Poland

march 2023 - Werkschau Chemnitz / 27.05 - 30.5. Industriemuseum Chemnitz, with Radiolux / Perl, Niermann, Brandt
march 2023 Groupshow "die verflixte Sieben" - 7 sw Fotografien auf Holz 12x12 cm . Salon Similde, Simildenstrasse 9 Leipzig
october 2022: Radiolux 10 years Exhibition and performances . Photography . Soundinstallation . Movies. Performances . 27.10 - 05.11 Galerie KUB, Kantstrasse Leipzig
october 2022: Multichannel soundinstallation for the Festival of Lights Leipzig (Lichtfest) 9.10. Augustusplatz in Frame of the Project from Robert Sochacki. Composition 5 channel Sound in public space with Pina Rücker (Quartzklangschalen)
november 2021: Music for animals . Musik für verschwundene Wechselkröte . Felicitas Ressel. Bassklarinette und Klarinette & Marek Brandt . Fieldrecordings + Electronic . Composition - Uraufführung . Festival der Toten Bäume .
september 2001: received a working grant from "Neustart Kultur" for Club Series 2.0 . Photography project
june 2021: Kein Netz nirgends - analoges Sommerfestival Leipzig 25. June Performance audio lecture about music for animals . curated by Heike Hennig / Leipzig
june 2021: 24th - 30th june 4 channel Soundinstallation in public space for Ulaanbataar Media Art Festival, Ulanbataar /(UBIMAF 2021) Mongolia
march 2021: included in a Interview (German radio broadcast station) MDR Kultur Radio: 09. 03. 2021 Sound and Musik für animals .
march 2021: Radiofeature: "Die Natur kennt keinen Viervierteltakt" Interview and Sounds from Music for animals, feature, broadcast: 08. 03. 2021 SWR 2 Jetztmusik von Dr. Anna Schürmer
februar 2021: Sprechstunde neue Musik, Bern, Switzerland, 24.2. 2021 online meeting Tobias Reber stellt die Reihe . Music for animals . vor
februar 2021: composition for electronic and singing bowls for "trotzdemYeah" series with Pina Bettina Rücker (Klangschalen), Marek Brandt (electronic, Fieldrecordings, computer) Inka Perl (animationen, visuals) oline stream presentation 28. 2. 2021 #elektronischerSonntag
januar 2021: Online lectures . Sound / Recording / Soundart @ University of Leipzig till februar 2020
december 2020: Online lecture and Audio Workshop / University of Leipzig, Germany. self Recorded Sounds and integration in a animated Movie (Crossover analoge und digitale Medien 2020/21
Online Lecture and Sound Workshop / University of Leipzig, Germany "Inhaltliche paralellen von Musik und Kunst" 2020 / 21
october 2020: RADIOLAB @ Seanaps Festival / Leipzig, Music for Animals live feature, interview, talk and audio broadcast, 15. 10. 3pm 4pm
october 2020: ZiXP Festival concerts in various constellations: Pina Bettina Kosmosklang Rücker, Walburga Walde, Wolfram Dix, etc. etc. 3rd and 4th october 2020 Zimmt, Torgauer Str. 80 / Leipzig
july 2020: "Reload" working grant (with Radiolux) from the federal culture Foundation of Germany
june 2020: working grant "Denkpause" for Tones and Sounds in times of Corona crisis . Sound project
april 2020: Group show Tentoonstelling# 051 'Forces of Nature / Kracht von de Natuur Galerie De Vijf Ramen , Arnhem NL, 17 - 30. April 2020 . Sonsbeeksingel 150, Arnhem, Nederland
march 2020: Luminale 2020, Frankfurt Main 12. - 15. march 7.30 - 11pm Römer, Frankfurt, A dream of a city: Transformed city dreams . Audio visual work, Marek Brandt (sound, concept, regie and light / video mapping) with Inka Perl (objects, light animation) and Fabian Niermann (Sound) / Radiolux, Römerberg, Frankfurt Main, Germany invited for the 30 year aniversary of the friendship of the Towns of Leipzig and Frankfrurt/Main
februar & march 2020: Audio Workshop & Lecture / University of Leipzig, Germany. Soundart Sampling Compositions
september: 2019 : Leipzig ZIXP Festival für experimentelle Musik und Klangkunst 19. - 22.9. Kulturturnhalle Leipzig / Live Audio Performance mit Johannes von Buttlar Duo und Festival Orchester am,20. 21. und 22. 9.
september: 2019 : Sononami,live drone performance mit Kosmosklang & triPhaze (Marek Brandt) @ Lofft das Theater, Spinnereistr. 7, Leipzig 7. 09. 21.Uhr
may 2019: Group Show Canis Lupus, Galerie Alte Schule, Berlin, Video and Photography . Music for Wolves, Artists: Veronika Wagner, Solveig Balduan, Rainer Siode, Kerstin Seltmann, Else Gabriel, Kerstin Grimm und Matthias Körner Vernissage: 24.05. 2019 Exhibition: 25.5. - 6.7. 2019 . Alte Schule Dörpfeldstr. 54, Berlin
may 2019: Solo sound performance: Klingt wie Industrie .18. Mai 2019 . 21h World wide Window, Berlin, Edisonstr.
march 2019: Radiolux Soundperformance . Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 21.03.2019 . 21.h im Rahmen der Ausstellung: Ramon Haze, der Schrank.
dezember 2018: live sound performance 1.12. 2018 / 20h / Galerie KUB / Leipzig mit Robert Rehnig & Daniel Schulz
november 2018: live soundperformance with Radiolux und Beat Unternährer / ch / Leipzig Jazzig Festival / Theaterhaus Schille 16.09. 20.00 Uhr
october 2018: music for animals performance / Jushua Tree Nationalpark, California / USA - live performance, film, sound
october 2018: Visible Sound, Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig - Oct. 2018 - Juni 2019, Clubserie, Photographien, Prints + Monitors, big Wall Print, Untitled Berlin (Tresor Club - Love Parade Portraits 1999) Video, Club Serie - WMF, Berlin, Maria am Ostbahnhof, Ostgut + Tresor, Berlin, Distillery, Leipzig./

juli 2018: Radiobeitrag im Deutschlandfunkkultur: Musik für Krähen und Milben - 16. 07. 2018 / über die Ausstellung: Originale 18, Zoo LeipzigTelemannsaal
juli 2018: Originale 18 / Telemann Saal / Zoo Leipzig / Eröffnung: 16. Juli 2018 / Ausstellung bis 11. August mit gültigem Zoo Ticket / Sonntag 29. 07. Eintritt Frei !! mit Marek Brandt, Thilo Baumgärtel, Peter Busch, Nicholas di Genova, Isabelle Dutoit, Tom Fabritius, Franziska Güttler, Anja Heymann, Elisabeth Howey, Julienne Jattiot, Marie Carolin Knoth, Phillip Kummer, Mandy Kunze, Verena Landau, Nadin Maria Rüfenacht, Soenke Thaden, Anija Seedler
november 2017: Dialog Salon II : Musik von und für Tieren, 30. November 2017, 19.00 Uhr Hygienemuseum Dresden, Martha Fraenkel Saal mit Prof. Dr. Martin Ullrich (Human Animal Studies, Hochschule für Musik, Nürnberg), Marek Brandt, Künstler (Musik für Animals, Leipzig), Anna Schuermer (Journalistin,Wissenschaftlerin) , Susanne Heiter (musikwissenschaftlerin Berlin, Steffen KRebber (Komponist, Dozent an der Universität Köln),
september 2017: "Simulacri II" - Multimedia Projekt von Künstlern aus Leipzig und Hannover . Monopol Leipzig, Galerie Bipolar . Leipzig, Haferkornstr. 15, Vernissage: 29. 09. 2017
september 2017: Buttersäure-Senf : Sound Performance as Part of the Pilotenküche Expo, 23. September 2017 . Pilotenküche International Art Programm, Franz Flemming Str. 9, 04179 Leipzig; Plagwitz
september 2017: Best off - Groupshow @ Galerie Potemka, Leipzig, Aurelienstr. 42 mit Marek Brandt, Robin Zöffzig, Johannes Tiepelmann, Sandro Porcu, Sophie von Stillfried, Christian Bussenius, Justyna Koeke u.a. 14.09. 2017 - 20.10. 2017
august 2017: Datscha Radio - 28. 8. 2017 Berlin. Germany . Soundperformance - Music for Bees and Birds in frame of the Datscha Radio Festival. as Part of my ongoing Series Music for Animals Infos:
june 2017: Opus Aquanett - Magdeburg. Soundinstallation "Treidel" 1h Sound . looped 4 Channel Installation inside a boat . Wissenschaftshafen Magdeburg

april 2017: Simulacri - Multimediaprojekt von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern aus Leipzig und Hannover - Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover. 30. 4. - 28. 05. 2017

april 2017: Soundwork 020110 R3al1ty in Frame of the Group Show "Nucleus" Aufzeichnungen aus der Realität . Soundperformance 11. 4. 2017 during the Vernissage .5 pm . Zahnklinik, Universität Leipzig
november 2016: Animal Encounters Conference - 25. - 27. 11. 2016 . Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen, Vortrag: Music for Animals - 26. 11. gg. 18.00 Uhr in Erlangen
october 2016: Audio Visual Workshop .11 - 14. October. for Music Students from DenHaag (the Netherlands), Location: M89 Klanggalerie . Leipzig, Germany
september 2016: live performance: during 2. Aktion - "Es lebe das Kollektiv" Cammerspiele Leipzig (live Soundscape + Videoscreening) Kulturfabrik (Kochstr. 132) Leipzig
september: 2016: Interscreen II Video Festival / 22. September - 02. Oktober : Westpol Leipzig, Karl-Heine Str. Videoscreening: Untitled (Saarbrücken) und Music for Animals : Dragonflies
september 2016: Nacht der Kunst Leipzig, 03. September 2016 / Leipzig / Videoinstallation - Riot Boys - with new Sounddesign in public space - Location: Georg Schumannstr. 133 ab 19.30 h
april 2016: Your only limit is you : Groupshow : 28. 04. 2016 - 01. 05. 2016 - Giesserstr. 1, Leipzig, Germany
april 2016: Soundperformance and some Photos: Opening M89 Soundlabor . Mariannenstr. 89, Leipzig, 17. 04. 15.00h
januar 2016: Change your Culture : Galerie Potemka, Leipzig. 28. 1. - 27. 2. 2016, Aurelienstr. 41 Leipzig. LINK I will show the mixed media installation: "1992" with Photos and a Soundscape
december 2015: Shift Late Night Show #3 / presentation of Photo works with Guests: Marek Brandt, Mauro Bedone, Nadine Wölk, Steph Franck, Arina Essipowitsch, Andreas Ullrich und Sebastian Lohse8. 12. 2015, 20.00 Uhr, Hole of Fame, Königsbrücker Str. 37, Dresden, Germany
october 2015: 'TALKING TO STRANGERS' SIMULTAN Festival #11 // 7-10 oct. 2015 / 2 Videos: Music for Animals Part XV: Wildcats & Untitled (Saarbrücken) at the Simultan Festival, Timisoara, Romania
september 2015: Video screenig "Untitled" (Uni-Leipzig) am 5 + 6. September aus Anlass des Tages der Industriekultur im MONOPOL Leipzig/Haus 5 / Haferkornstr. 15/04129 Leipzig, 11-18 h
september 2015: 5. September: 18.00 - 24.00 Uhr "Nacht der Kunst" Leipzig Gohlis, Video, Licht- und Soundinstallation "Imaginary Visions" Georg-Schumann-Straße 145 / Hausfassade und Strasse / 3 Videoprojektionen, 4 Diaprojektionen / 3 Kanal Sound Installation im öffentlichen Raum.
august 2015: Radiobeitrag im Deutschland Radio Kakadu (Musik für Tiere), 12. August. 2015. ab 15.05 h.
july 2015: "Arrêt" - Solo Show: Video + Sound & Fotografie . 02. 07. 19.00 Uhr opening, Exhibition: 03. 07. - 01. 08. 2015 . Potemka Galerie, Leipzig, Aurelienstr. 41

june 2015: "die neue Sinnlichkeit" - Groupshow. JVA Magdeburg, 06. Juni - 10. September 2015
march 2015: Lecture and Workshop @ University Leipzig . Soundart - teaching composition / supervision / audio concepts
november 2014: "Märchen" - Group Show, Potemka, contemporary Art, Leipzig / Ger / 13. Nov - 20. Dec.
october 2014: Lecture / Vortrag : Cross-Strategien im Medienkunstbereich Burg Giebichenstein, Kunsthochschule, Halle Saale, Medienzentrum | Neuwerk 1 | Raum 111, 17. Oktober 2014. 14.15 Uhr
september 2014: Wenn du morgen schwimmen gehst . Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover : Multimediale Werkschau zum Thema Wasser. 05. - 07. September 2014 : LINK
june 2014: Kunstauktion / Pögehaus Leipzig . 14. Juni 2014, Pögehaus Leipzig, Germany LINK
may 2014: Riot Boys Video included in the Show: Private Nacionalizmus in Pécs Hungary 8. May - 15. June 2014 . Zsolnay Negyed, Zsolnay Vilmos utca 37., Pécs, 7630
march 2014: Artist Talk 23. 3. 2014 moderation: Katharina Ritter in der Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, St. Johanner Markt 24, Saarbrücken
januar 2014: TV Beitrag im Kulturspiegel: Music for Animals 28. 01. 2014 Saarländischer Rundfunk (Tv Interview and explanation about the music for animals project)
januar 2014: Music for Animals (Solo Show) Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken . St. Johanner Markt 24 . 66111 Saarbrücken Germany . 24. 01. 2014 - 23. 03. 2014 . Videoworks
december 2103 - januar 2014: Lecture and Workshop @ University Leipzig . Topic: atmospheric Sounds - teaching composition / programming / audio concepts
november 2013: Music for Animals Performance with Fabian Niermann (Sax) Fischbach / Forrest near Saarbrücken . thx to Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken / Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken November 2013
november 2013: You are my mirror - part II: Boys / Galerie Potemka, Leipzig (Photography) 01. November - 21. Dezember 2013
october 2013: (Untitled - Uni Leipzig) Video is included and screened at Media Art Exhibition In Incheon (South Korea) Oct. 3.- 6 2013, 10 am - 8 pm . Curated by Yongdo Jeong
august 2013: Aquamediale Media ART Festival - Lübben - Germany : Music for Animals Performance Part XIII : Music for Dragonflys . with Simone Weissenfels. Schloßinsel Lübben, 11. August 2013 . 10am !!
june 2013: short Lecture about Music for Animals / Sound Ecology @Art Academy Wroclaw in Frame of Suvival Festival, 23. June 2013 . AKD Bulwar Xawerego Dunikowskiego
june 2013: Survival Art Festival - Wroclaw - Poland : Music for Animals Performance . 22nd. June 2013 Bulwar Xawerego Dunikowskiego . Sound Art special . 19.00 (Tent under a Tree)
june 2013: Leipziger Jahresausstellung, Westwerk - K-Heine-Str. Leipzig 22. 6. - 14. 7. 2013
may 2013: Mystique - TGA-Gebäude in der Sieverstorstraße und das gegenüberliegende Gelände der ehemaligen Bördebrauerei mit Kunst . Magdeburg opening: 31. 5. 2013 Expo running: 31. 05. - 28. 07. 2013
february 2013: (no) public space . Groupshow . Frappant Gallery . Hamburg, 15. 2. - 24. 2. 2013
january 2013: Lecture and Workshop @ University Leipzig . Topic: Soundart . Composition Recording Audio
november 2012: 3. November / openair: "Hofpause" / Thomaner 800 . Thomaskirche Leipzig, Fassade . Sound . Licht . Komposition mit Jürgen Meier, Marek Brandt, Sven Ihlenfeld, Vocal Kompositionen von Rainer Rubbert (Berlin)
september 2012: Groupshow: MiniAusstellung: Weißcube Galerie Leipzig 13. 09. 2012
september 2012: Podiumsdiskussion: im Rahmen des Videofestivals "experimental trails: Galerie KUB, Kantstr. 18, Leipzig 01. September. 20.00 Uhr u.a. mit Alba D Urbano,
july 2012: Kunst am Markt - Groupshow . Fotografien @ Pögehaus Leipzig 7. - 15. 7. 2012
june 2012: Klanginstallation "GörlitzSounds" lange Nacht der Stadtnatur 2012 . Görlitz Hofgarten Hospitalstrasse 29 |
june 2012: the conference of the birds . live audio / radio Performance @picnic Berlin (in Frame of 48 H Neukölln) Hertastr. 23 /24
may - sept 2012: "Aquamediale" with the Soundinstallation: "Schleusen" - multispeaker Installation on a river in public space, Lübben, Germany
april 2012: Spring Group Show: Salon de Beauté . Potemka contemporary Arts Leipzig : 27. 4. 2012 - 26. 05. 2012
february 2012: Lecture and Workwshop at the University Leipzig / Kunstpädagogik / about Audio Art / Collage / Soundart
february 2012: Sample #4 . Projektraum Deutscher Künstlerbund . 23. 02. 2012 . / Rosenthaler Str. Berlin . Video Selection (Music for Animals)
january 2012: Fields of the Performative / Video in Progress 3 . 12. Jan 12 - 05.|02. 2012. Koroska Galerija likovnih umetnosti, Glavni tr. 24, 2380 Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
january 2012: Solo Show: Time Warp . Potemka contemporary Art, Leipzig LINK
july 2011: Group
Show . Potemka contemporary art Leipzig:
14. 07. opening . 7pm
june 2011: Marek
Brandt . early sound work in: "Le Temps de
l'Ecoute" (Listening Time) at the Contemporary
Art Center Villa Arson in Nice (F), present the archive of the
Collective JukeBox project (1996-2004) from 24 June to 30 October 2011
june 2011: Music for Animals
. Part XII . Music for Pigeons . Kraków .
Marketplace . 04. 11. 2011 in collaboration with little
Bunker Sztuki, Kraków, Poland
2011: Wawel Castle / Video, mapping,
projection and Audio in public Space / Kraków
. Poland . near Wawel Castle / 3. June 2011 . 22.00
2011: "Pop up" Fair for independent Pop Culture:
Panel Talk about Laptop as Music Instrument.. 21th May . 19.00. Werk II
: Leipzig . Germany
may 2011: "weil Meise"
Rockefeller Centre for contemporary Art. Rudolf
Leonard Str.54 (entry nr. 58). Dresden . Germany Opening: 1.Mai Expo:
2011: Visiting Artist: Werkleitz
Bienale, Halle / Saale, Lecture and concert : musik für tiere
: 14. 04. 2011 . Galerie die
schöne Stadt, Halle, Germany LINK
februar 2011: Radio Interview
about the music for animals project @
Werkleitz Magazin / Radio Corax Halle: 19. 02. 2011
october 2010: Musik
für Tiere - Portrait at the german TV - Artour . 14. 10. 2010 kick
off 22.05 MDR :
+ 3sat is broadcasting the Music for animals
portrait at the 28th october 2010 . @ Kulturzeit . 19.20 LINK.3sat
october 2010: touring Taiwan /
Asia . Lectures about Fieldrecording and Urban Sound enviroment
at the University in Hsinchu . 3 concerts
- duo with mspiano and taiwanese classical instrument players.
october 2010: providing a sound
composition / for the LICHTFEST 2010
. programm @ Augustusplatz Leipzig. 09. oktober 2010 . 20.00 Uhr LINK
Leipzig . Pages
september 2010: Light Installation and Sound Compostion: "Human Equilizer" in frame of "In Between"
Group Show" in Pecs, Hungary: Light and Audio in
the Skyscraper . public Space . 23.09 - 6.10. 2010 (Pecs 2010
Capital of Culture) LINK

august 2010: Magic
Club : Potemka Group Show . Galerie Potemka,
Aurelienstr. 41, Leipzig, opening: 06th august 2010 : exhibition: 07.
- 31. 08. 2010
july 2010: obPhon
Festival : Music for Animals: Werk 4, Kirschau, Oberlausitz
Date: 1. - 11. July (live performance: Musik für Milben
7th July LINK
june 2010: privatelektro Headphone Festival
in Pécs, as part
of the official programm of the european capital of culture 2010 !! supported
by Goethe Institut and Robert Bosch Foundation : Pécs / Hungary
17.-20. Juni
2010: Musik für Tiere
: Solo Exhibition ! Video. Sound . Objects
. Potemka contemporary Arts Leipzig, opening:
14. may 7pm . Exhibition: 15. 05 - 09. 06 2010 . Aurelienstr. 41, Leipzig
Lindenau ||| pictures
2010: Video in
Progress 3 . Cultural & Educational
Centre - Vortex, Skopje, Macedonia : 18. - 21. May 2010
2010: Galerie
Potemka . Leipzig . live music composition
with Justin Lépany and Marek Brandt "Le dialogue des Sourds"
2nd April 2010 . 21.00 Uhr
tmp - Leipzig / Berlin
. tmp Plate Pohlstr. 70, Berlin Tiergarten . 12. 03. Group Show incl. Video
2010: Epicentro - Art
. Group Show: In search of lost time and remembrance:
with: Nicole Cohen, Erik Schmidt, Helmut Uhlig and Marek Brandt . Karl Marx
Allee 82-84, Berlin : opening: 05. March 2010 . 18.00 - 22.00 . LINK
march 2010: Film Premiere :
Endliche Automaten . Laptoporchester Berlin : Composition Journey through
middle and south eastern Europe 2009
Luru - Kino . Leipzig . Spinnereistr. 7 . 5th march 2010 . 9 pm (produced
by Marek Brandt & Christian Gracza)
february 2010: "Lecture
and Workshop at University of Leipzig, Germany "Parallel
structures of Art and Music" Workshop: Spatial Sound and
Urban Sound . Recording Technics and Basic Editing and mastering of selfrecorded
2009: Potemka
- first Group Show
opening of Potemka Contemporary Art Leipzig . incl. a new work from me:
Untitled (University Leipzig 2009) HD Video with Sound 2009 . Aurelienstr.
41 . Leipzig Plagwitz . 11th December . 19.00 LINK
2009: Music
for Animals X: Music for Crows . Laznia Contemporary
Art Centre in Gdansk, Poland. LINK
2009: Optica
Festival . Gijon .(Music for Animals: Part X Crows)
29th october . Centro de Cultura Antiguo Instituto, Gijon, C. Jovellanos
21 / Espagne
2009: Video
in Progress 3 (Music for Crows)
20. 10 - 15- 11. Kino Siska (New Media Centre) : Photon Galerie . Ljubljana
/ Slovenia LINK
2009: Static
Transit (Main Station Leipzig) - Video - Light - Sound composition Lichtfest
2009, Hauptbahnhof Leipzig, Germany . 9. Oktober
. 6pm - 23.30 am . Art in Public Place
||| LICHTFEST 2009 ||||
august 2009: Endliche
Automaten - Laptoporchester Berlin . german Premiere / Compositions of
the Composition Journey trough middle and eastern Europe Hartware
Medienkunst Verein Dortmund . Phoenixhalle . 28. 8. 2009 . Kick off: 8pm
2009: Nietzsche
Macht und Grösse: Expo | Alter Schlachthof
Naumburg / Sachsen Anhalt / Germany: 27. - 31. August 2009 Videoinstallation:
2009: Art / Music . Videoscreening
| Shoreditch Church St. Leonard, London, United Kingdom : 5. | 6. June
2009 . Fri 1 pm - Sat. 9pmmai
2009: Press Article about Music
for Animals . "Das Magazin" Mai 2009
Page 66 . in German READ
april 2009:
Composition Journey trough Middle and South Eastern
Europe with the Laptoporchester Endliche Automaten. Stations: Usti
nad Labem - CZ, Pécs - HU, Osijek - Croatia, Timisoara - Ro, Sibiu
- Ro, Ruse - Bulgaria | | LINK supported by: Robert Bosch Stiftung, Goethe Institut - Prag, Budapest,
Bukarest, European Capital of Culture, Pécs 2010, and more...
STRP Festival . Rotterdam
. NL : live Cinema program:
"plastic wrapped Landscapes" presentation at STRP Labor . 10.
april . 8pm
"Lecture with Workshop at University
of Leipzig, Germany: Institute of Art Pedagogic"
Parallel structures of Art and Music Workshop about recording
Urban Sounds and Artificial Sounds and using Feldrecordings .. making a Audiocollage,
november 2008: AudiovisuaLE
/ Festival - Endliche Automaten / Laptoporchester
play SMOKE . Ut Connewitz Leipzig, 22th Nov. 2008
Festival 4" (Festival for Contemporary
Video / Live Audio Art) Live Performance + Video & Lecture - about
Headphone Festivals. 24 / 25th oct. 2008 | Link
october 2008: Music
for Animals / Zoo Series I . Performance
/ Live Music - Zoo / Animal Garden, Pécs, Hungary: 19th oct. 2008
| Video
october 2008:
Meisterschüler Ausstellung
. Video (Music for Crows) Academy of Visual
Arts Leipzig, 11. - 30th oct.
2008: Animals (Group
Show) . Video / Audio (Music for animals) Pöge
Druck Haus - Leipzig Reudnitz. Germany 16. - 27. 9. 2008
september 2008: Volume
III (An artist certainly cannot compete with
a man on the moon in the living room) 07.09 - 11.10. 2008 . Installation . Universal Cube .
Spinnereistr. 7, Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany | LINK
june 2008: was
ist das ein Frosch? tmp.deluxe, Berlin: 27th
June - 7th July 2008 / Video . tmp.deluxe im ateliergebäude .
potsdamer str. 98 . 10785 berlin 2. hof und 3. etage (ab 21 uhr klingeln)
. u1 kurfürstenstr.
may 2008: WARGAMES . Videoinstallation "RIOT BOYs" - 01. May - 11. May 2008, Hattyúház
Galléria, Pécs, Király u. 15., Hungary
april 2008: Selbst
Macht Originalität . Video &
Photo - Galerie KUB, Leipzig, Kantstr. 18 | 18th. - 20th. April 2008
april 2008: 100%
Health - Sound for "Cluster" by Hagen Wiel,
Monte Fiallo, Marek Brandt | Galerie der HGB Leipzig | Wächterstr. 11,
Leipzig, Germany
february 2008: with Laptoporchester
Berlin @ Directors Lounge 2008, Friedrichstr. 112a | Scala | 16th Februar,
11.30 pm
february 2008: Sample # 1,
Video / Videoscreening aus dem digitalen Videoarchiv . with Prof. Birgit Hein
(Braunschweig) . 14 Feb. 2008
Deutscher Kuenstlerbund Projektraum. Berlin. Rosenthaler Str. 11
january 2008: support and logistic
/ curator for Arte a Full / Art Show / Leipzig
Westwerk - from 18th - 20th January 2008
december 2007: Steady
State / Group Show / new Video
10th - 16th december 2007 @ Gewoelbekeller, Saarbrückerstr. 24, Berlin
november 2007: The
Surveillance City (Trampoline - Nottingham) Videowork:
"strategic resistance" on 29th November (10 years of Trampoline)
@ Broadway Media Center, Nottingham. UK
november 2007: "Optica
Festival 2007" (Festival for Contemporary Video
Art) Live Audio / Video Performance: "Plastic wrapped Landscapes"
Galerie Art & Food, Gijon, Spain: 17. November.
2007: "Signale-Ostrale"
/ live Audio - Soundtrack for "Wolfen Nord"
Movie by Hagen Wiel & Robert Beske || 48-Stunden-Ausstellung
(18 bis 18 Uhr) in der ehemaligen Großviehmarkthalle im Ostragehege,
Dresden / Germany / 26.10 bis 28.10.07 . LINK
juli 2007: Presentation
of the Project "Music for Animals" between Performance and
experimental Interface during the Project Month: Time´s Up - The Hub
@ Berlins Media Art / Center TESLA . LINK
june 2007: Play
: Pause / Composition and Concept for a Sound / Room
- Installation with Light and Video . Play : Pause Urauffuehrung
. Composition for the Laptoporchester
Berlin / 16th June . Universal
Cube . Leipzig
may 2007: Design
May Youngsters . Room / Audio / Klang Installation with
Nic Weiser / Electronic Church, Greifswalder Str. 223 - 17th - 19th May 2007
2007: Kimusawea Movie
by Hagen Wiel, Soundtrack by Marek Brandt will be screened at the EMAF
Festival Osnabrück and Schnellseher Festival, Potsdam,
and on the International Filmfestival, Dresden
april 2007: Music
for Animals: Music for Frogs (live Performance) 19th April 2007. "Blaue Blume" Les Substistances . Réfectoire des Nonnes. Ecole National de Beaux Art, Lyon,
march 2007: Traverse
Video - "La Revisite" / Videoinstallation
"Fly" Goethe Institut . Toulouse
. France . opening: 8th March 8pm - 17th March
2007: Musik für Tiere / Haus für
Mäuse vs. 1.0 / Modell Barcelona : 08. 02
- 12.02 during "Rundgang 2007", LINK
Academy of Visual Art Leipzig .
januar 2007: Sound:Space
/ Sound Art Symposium : Screening of "rouge_son"
among other documentaries about spacial sound art and installations...
20th january: South Hill Park Arts Centre/ Berks / UK . LINK
januar 2007: BLEIBNISSE - Videoinstallation : 22th January : University Leipzig
: Mainbuilding - Augustusplatz . Kick off: 13.00 Uhr
2006: Kimusawea
Movie by H.Wiel Soundtrack by Marek Brandt will be screened at the Video
Medeja Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia
Film Screening: (Videos) Galerie Sammler, Leipzig,
Plagwitz, Germany - 9th december.
2006: 40 Jahre videokunst -
was fehlt? - Projektraum Deutscher Künstlerbund
- Berlin, Rosenthaler Str. 11, Germany - until the 20th October 2006
july 2006: Re-planted
- small songs unearthed by weeding - 6th July -
6th August, 2006 : Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth Australia
- Curated by Kirsten Bradley (Aus) Details
july 2006: Anatomisches
Theater, Langhansbau, Berlin - 13th & 14th July
- Marek Brandt plays with the Laptoporchester Berlin. Kick off 10 pm Sharp!
Dignity of Man - Video by D. Günther - Sound by Laptoporchester Berlin
june 2006: Universal Cube - Sound Installation
- 22.June - 25.June Universal Cube. Halle 14, 2OG, Baumwollspinnerei Leipzig,
Spinnereistr. 7.
may 2006: Visuals & Live Concert "plastic
wrapped landscapes" @ Audiovisuale - Leipzig Media Art Festival 13th May 2006. Germany
2006: 2 recordings on clear vinyl,
7 inch. at the 33.99 rec. project in M12 Berlin, in cooperation with
club transmediale. a temporarly record label of Derek Holzer, Sarah Kolster
and Mike the Mischer, Jan Zimmermann
december 2005 - jan
2006: Soundinstallation:
"Grenz-Räume" commissioned by the Kulturhauptstadt-Büro: Görlitz 2010. Forum for
art and media - inside the exhibition: "Annäherung - eine virtuelle
Stadt, curated by Hector Solari. Opening 18th December, Görlitz Germany
- Alte Mensa, Juliot Curie Str. 3
september 2005: Japan now"
festival: berlin 10. + 11. 09. "Tacheles"
and Kraków / poland: 17. september. "Manggha" with the Laptop
Orchestra: watch the video
januar 2005: Electrograph
- Festival - Athen - Greece
Screening the video "der stille begleiter"
of triPhaze
29-30th januar
januar 2005: Netmage Festival
- Bologna - Italia / International Live Media Floor
[sic] & triPhaze presents "debris" live video/audio performance:
/ november 2004: "succeeding where the
hippies failed" as part of the e4os screening programm@ the 2004 Gwangju Biennale, South Korea
: Gallery 5 - the Club -
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